There are plenty of oppurtunities for those of you who might not have got what you wanted. You could use it as an opportunity. For those of you who might not have got into the university you wanted you could take this as an oppurtunity to go to a different uni, to take a gap year and use that time to learn something new. For example you could spend that year doing another course that might help you with your future career. You could take that time to go travelling, to get more experience in your chosen area by volunteering. You also have an oppurunity to retake any exams that you want to improve.
I decided not to go to university but instead I decided to retake a few of my exams to help improve my grade to where I wanted it to be, go to work and save up some money and I took the time to volunteer. Experience is always useful and looks good on your CV . There are also other opputnities such as open university or college.
So don't feel bad if you didn't get what you hoped for some of the greatest people in the world managed to do some great things even without qualifications or A Levels but with determination.
Keep trying!! And you will succeed.
It's a long road of trials and errors but that just makes the achievement feel all the more worthwhile. Now is the time to make mistakes and to learn from them.
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