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Thursday 15 October 2015

Standing next to your tall friend and your short!

This is how I look when standing next to my extremely tall best friend. If you haven't guessed I would be the short one!!! Xxx
(screenshot from TV Show Miranda)

Short Snippet to a Story I've started writing! Xxx

So here I am at only 20 years old, with my own large house pretty much guaranteed for life when I’m still only a mere student living off of what little I have left of my student finance. How I came to get this house you may ask, one that I would under any other normal circumstances not be able to afford. Well I was left it. That’s right I was just left a house! normal aunts might leave you a few bits of jewellery, a couple or paintings or even just some old rubbish that you would never use but you treasure it anyway for its sentimental value. Not my aunt, my crazy fortune telling, ghost believing aunt who decided to leave me just about the oldest house in Britain as a gift to me in her will and when I say house I mean more of a mansion. It’s that big and kind of resembles a small castle in some ways with its gothic design.  The building is a large dark imposing building, the kind of building you might see in a film you know the type, the vampire/witchy, medieval type film. It had large dark, thick oak doors, with a big black door knocker. It had multiple large windows which could only suggest as to the number of rooms there are. There seemed to be an aura of mystery and magic surrounding the whole building which only helped to increase the rumours that the building was haunted. The whole village was terrified to even step within 5 feet of the front gate before turning back. There were several turrets sprouting up from the main building which only enhanced the building unusual but creepy kind of beauty making it look all the more like a castle. All in all it looked like the perfect place to film a horror movie or a medieval T.V program. The building had a kind of Tudor/medieval era feel to the whole thing and that was before I had even stepped inside. Looking out of the window of my car I could see the estate agent stood just by the large double doors clipboard and keys in hand trying to keep up a professional image whilst all the while looking like a terrified child, pale as a ghost and shaking like a leaf looking like she was about to bolt any moment. You could see clearly by the look upon her face that she, like myself, did not want to be here only for different reasons.

Getting out of my car I quickly locked it and began to make my way over to the estate agent, walking swiftly across the gravel drive crunching under my feet. “Hello I’m Megan” the estate agent spoke as I reached her sticking out her hand for me to shake “ You must be Elizabeth” “urrm yeah I am but I prefer to be called Eliza” I replied whilst shaking her hand “Okay well Eliza as you know your Aunt umm she umm well she left you this house, I would…. I would like to get the paperwork done as soon as possible. I just need you to sign a few bits and they house is all yours.”. “Right okay well where do I need to sign?” “Oh oh right urmm….”flicking through bits of paper that were attached to her clipboard to find the right one. Grabbing it she pulled it out and attached it to the top before shoving it under my nose along with a pen. “You just need to….to sign across the dotted line… yeah that one right there” She said pointing to the spot at the bottom of the page. I quickly read through the contract which was the same one I had been shown at the office originally when I had found out that I had inherited the house. Nothing in the contract seemed to have changed it merely stated that I was now the owner of this fine house and that everything was already paid off for it in advance. Along with that I was given some other papers which showed the history of the house and how it was that my family came to own it, shoving those quickly into the bag that I had slung across my shoulder I signed the papers and handed them back Megan. Putting the clipboard away she turned to me and handed me the keys. They were large old rusty looking keys big and silver that matched the old looking lock on the door. “Do you… do you need me to show you around or urrr….. anything” Megan stuttered eyeing the door warily like something was about to jump out and bite her. Taking pity on the poor woman I told her that I should be okay to figure things out myself and with that she turned around and sped of back down the drive way and out of the magnificent iron gates faster than I would have expected considering the heels she was wearing. I had to admit it was pretty impressive seeing her rush away in 5inch high heels when I myself could barely walk at a normal speed. Once she had disappeared into her car and driven away I turned towards the giant oak doors, looking at them I figured that with the size of them they would be quite heavy to move. Shoving the key into the lock I turned it slowly and heard the lock click signalling that it was open, with a great big shove I opened the doors which let out a great groan as it opened slightly. Pushing it even more until it was fully open, I stepped into the house.  

If this doesn't tickle your funny bone! Harry Potter fans

(I own none of these by the way! I didn't make them so all rights go to the people who did!!)

Dumbledore telling you how the weekend goes!!

When you know the weekends nearly here so you can

because you know we all love seeing Dumbledore and Snape dancing!!

Just wanted to say a quick thank you with this Harry Potter! Gif

Just wanted to say a quick thank you to those of you who read my blog with this Harry Potter GIF for you Harry Potter fans

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Cute Gif!!! Xxx

Halloween cake!!!!!

This is my Nan's amazing Halloween cake that she made last year Spookily awesome! Xxx

Strawberry Cheesecake Chimichangas!!! 1Minutemeals

Strawberry Cheesecake Chimichangas!
Made by  Cheryl@everydaydishes_diy
8 oz package cream cheese, room temp
3 tbsp granulated sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
Zest of ¼ of lemon
6 soft flour tortillas (about 8" in diameter)
12 strawberries, sliced
½ cup granulated sugar (for coating)
Vegetable oil, for frying
6 toothpicks
Deep-fry thermometer
Optional garnish
Sliced strawberries
Whipped cream
Hot fudge sauce

Recipe from 1Minute meals A page on Instagram which collects and put together easy, quick and great recipes from other sites and Instagram pages all put into one convenient place for you to look at and try. Recipes are from various different places so don't belong to me.

Recipe Time!! Apple and Cinnamon Cake

Recipe time!!!
Here's a great recipe for you to try! 

Try making apple and cinnamon sponge cake it tastes great. This is one recipe that my Nan makes a lot especially when I go to visit because I absolutely love it. It's  great to have with a cup of tea especially when it's warm or just come out of the oven.

I love it when my Nan Bakes I think that she makes the best cakes ever however that may just be because I'm a little bit biased as she is my Nan. Unfortunately for me my Nan does not live close to me so I don't get to have apple and cinnamon cake often unless I'm visiting her or she is here visiting me and I seriously can not wait that long for my favourite cake. So instead I convinced her to give me the recipe that she uses. Now I know by now that you can find hundreds and hundreds or various recipes for apple and cinnamon cake however I already know that I love my Nan's cake, I know the recipe works and tastes great for my particular tastes so why bother changing it. 

So here it is the recipe of Apple and Cinnamon cake 

  • 3 eggs- My Nan always says to weigh the eggs first and then to adjust all the weights of the other ingredients to match that of the eggs. This makes a great sponge, light and fluffy. you can nearly always guarantee great results for a great sponge if you do it this way.
  • So then you add soft margarine, self raising flour and caster sugar remember that the amount of each of these ingredients that you add should match the weight of the eggs. For example if the eggs weighed 118g you would need to add 118g of margarine,caster sugar and flour to the mixture. It would be the same if the weight of the eggs equaled 130g you would then need to put in 130g of margarine,sugar and flour.
  • You also need two teaspoons of Cinammon which you will sieve in with the flour. 
  • You need 4 apples, preferably cooking apples, but normal apples should also work if you haven't go any cooking apples, which you might not during the winter. So you need to wash, peel and chop the apples then boil them for a short while in order to soften then up  to put in the sponge cake. Try not to boil them for too long that they turn into more of an apple stew. I did this once so used the stewed apple for something else and had to start again. Once you have soften the apple you can put it in your mixture.
  • You then bake at 180 Degrees for 40 mins (I have a fan cooker so this is the timings I  would use so you may have to adjust this slightly depending on what type of cooker you have.

So there we go! once cooked take it out of the oven and enjoy!!


Tuesday 13 October 2015

Love this sooo cute!!

Help raise money for Dementia! Support Vanessa with her fundraising!!

Hey guys sorry I haven't posted anything in a while I have been busy with uni, work and packing for my holiday which I am going on at the end of this week.

However I just thought I would take a quick moment to ask you to help support my best Friend who is trying to raise money for dementia UK by doing a sponsored skydive. You can help to support her by going to her page and making a donation and sharing her page with others. 

She is attempting to raise £400 pounds for dementia UK by November 20th and with your support she should be able to achieve this goal. I will share a link to her page at the bottom of this post and on my. Google + page so go ahead and take a look. 

I am unbelievably proud of my best friend as I know she works hard and likes to help make a difference in others lives. She always tries to help others out so I thought this might be one way I can help her after all the times that she has helped me when I needed it most. 

Dementia awareness is important as it will help us to one day hopefully come up with a cure. Dementia doesn't just affect the person who has it but also affects there entire family and friends. I will also be sharing with you some links which will halo to explain to you what dementia is and the affects of dementia in a way better than I can explain. 

 However I will share with you that my great granddad had dementia when I was only little so I myself don't remember exactly what it is like having a family member who suffers with dementia. What I do remember however is that my great grandad never actually knew who I was. He would always call me by my mum's or my aunts name every time we visited him. I imagine it must have been hard for my parents and grandparents to watch this and to know they he didn't not remember a lot of the important moments in life. One thing my great grandad did remember was his absolute love of malteasers and how he could always expect a box when we went to visit.         (Support Vanessa here! Go to her page and donate) 

Thank you