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Tuesday 17 May 2016

Birthdays and tattoos!

A few weeks ago for my birthday I decided I was going to be spontaneous and courageous and try something sooo completely out of my comfort zone. I GOT A TATOO!!! now I know what many of you are probably thinking a tattoo really?!? That's not brave or courageous hundreds of people get tattoos everyday. Yeah they do!! However like I'm sure  many people out there are I am terrified of needles I can.not.stand.them!! So for me this
was quite a challenge. So on the morning of my birthday I decide no you know what I'm gonna do it I'm gonna go ahead and get a tattoo. I'm gonna tick something of my list of goals that I wish to achieve! As I'm sure I have mentioned before I have a list of goals, things I would really like to achieve (preferably before I'm forty if not then at least before I'm too old). Getting a tattoo is just one of the things that is on this list even if it is just the one small one I'll be able to say I've done it. I don't want to look back in thirty years time and say I never tried anything. I want to be able to tell my kids yes I have no regrets, I tried new things, had adventures I don't want to look back and say I never did anything at all. I know getting a tattoo is probably a really small thing that has no effect on what you achieved in your life but it's a start of trying things that aren't always within my comfort zone that push me to try different things. So anyway I had thought for a long time about what things I might get  if I ever got a tattoo, I did a lot of research( that's the student in me coming out) I asked a lot of questions but I never thought I would actually ever do it. So when I decided to first get my tattoo I thought why not if I keep questioning it/myself I won't ever do it. So on my birthday I printed off the design I liked and just made sure it was something I wanted and went down to the tattoo parlour with my friend. I got there opened the door and went it and I was hit with this smell of clean you know that kind of smell you get in the dentist and I could hear the tattoo gun. I'm not going to like I nearly turned around and went back out door then and there.
 But I didn't I stuck it out and got my tattoo. And I can tell you I am very proud of myself for siting through it as I never thought in a million years I would ever do it!!! Xx

Saturday 14 May 2016

What inspires you most???

So today I've been thinking about things that inspire me, what inspires me to do better, to be better and try harder. One my friends has recently been through at tough time but has handled it so well and come out of it the other side stronger and smiling and I am so proud of her and to be able to say she is my friend. This along with stories and reports that have appeared in the news  has inspired me to write this post.

We all have that one person we look up to, to inspire us and to encourage us. Sometimes this person may be a celebrity, sometimes they may be a family member such as mums, dads, brothers and sisters. Sometimes the things that inspire us most may not even be a person but a song, a place, a time or an object. Inspiration can come in the form of the smallest things.

Just a few of the people and things that inspire me are my mum, my Nan and some the things they have both achieved and continue to aspire to achieve. Another one if my inspirations is Emma Watson who even whilst continue her career filming two movies she still managed to finish her education and graduate with great results which encouraged me as well. She has done so many inspiring things she's a strong women who isn't afraid to speak her mind and change the world.  

In recent weeks I've been encouraged and inspired by others to try so many new things and take so many opportunities and I am incredibly thankful to those people for wanting me to be the best that I can be and still seeing the best in me even when I can't see it in myself.  Some of my other inspirations are the great friends I have who have supported me massively with some of my endeavours xxx

Busy week charity/ films/ job/ life

Hey everyone!!!

It's been sooo long. I'm so sorry I've neglected to update or post anything on my blog but these past few months have been crazy busy.

I've just recently started a new job which I am absolutely loving at the minute. I have met so many new and fascinating people and am living every minute of it.

Has anyone seen the new Captain America movie Civil War. I have!!!! And I Loved it. Me and my friend went to see it this weekend just gone we spent the whole day positively shaking with excitement as we have been waiting to go and see it since the trailer was first released. Such a long wait but soooo absolutely worth it. So I have to know for those of you who have seen it were you #teamcap or #teamironman. I found it so difficult to decide! There are so many appearances in this movie we get to see some old superhero favourites and meet some new. I want to know what people thought of black panther and the spider man that they introduced in this movie. What are your thoughts on Bucky Barnes/ the winter soldier and have you got a favourite superhero? My personal favourite is the Black Widow ( I think she deserves her own movie or her and hawkeye) because she really holds her own in a group of men. Other than her I'm a fan of captain America however I can't help but slightly love iron man/ Tony stark for his sarcasm and wit which keeps me entertained. I think that as an actor Robert Downey Jr. Is just great and the characters he portrays always stick with me as being great. I loved his interpretation of Sherlock Holmes in the recent movies.

I've also recently been getting better at being more active, trying new things out and just generally going out and about a bit more. I've joined new clubs which have allowed me to meet new people and have a brand new outlook on life.

At this moment in time I am the happiest I have been in months and it us such a great feeling, a relief and has actually allowed me to connect better with people.

I am so proud to say that my wonderful little sister is doing a great thing for charity in the coming week, she is ten years old, she is having her hair cut in aid of the princess trust charity who make wigs for children who lost their hair through cancer or alapecia and I think this is such a good cause. She is having 12 inches of her hair cut off and I couldn't be prouder of her for all the sponsers she has revived and how much money she has raised. Proud big sister moment for me.

Anyway hope you all have a lovely weekend


Wednesday 16 December 2015

What's your favourite Christmas movie

What is your all time favourite Christmas movie?

For me its a Muppets Christmas carol it's one of the first Christmas movies I remember watching but also the first one my whole family could agree on watching together without any arguments. It is one of the first Christmas movies we will watch at the start of December and is one of the reasons we know its now Christmas in our house.

feeling blue

So for the pas few weeks I've been feeling really low and things don't seem to have improved. I'm stuck in a job that I hate doing, I don't really see my friends anymore and on top of that I am struggling to cope with my uni work as well.

 Christmas is usually one of my favourite times of year when I get to see all my family and friends but this year I just don't seem to be happy but I can't understand why. My life really isn't that bad so I have no reason to feel down or upset but at the minute that seems to be the way that I feel. I always feel anxious before I go to work and don't really wan to be there. I used to really enjoy my job but in the past few months that seems to have changed for me.

I have always been quite shy and was often overlooked at school. Sadly I still feel this way even though I am now older. I have tried to make changes going out, joining clubs, volunteering. Is there something wrong with me? Is there something that I'm doing wrong something that makes me unlikable and uninteresting? I want to know what I can do to change all that. I don't really see many people outside of work and seem to be at work a lot of the time covering shifts and stuff. My younger sister has even mentioned that she never gets to see me or spend anytime with me. I think that's quite sad and I don't want that.

In all honestly I cant really complain as there are many people out there who are in a much worse position than me.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Christmas Crafts

So are you all ready and set for Christmas? I am! This year I have taken to hand-making most of presents.

 For my best friend I have made her a scrapbook including various bits a pieces from all our little adventures together. pictures, quotes, poems and other fun things from different place we have been, things we have tried and memories that we ave made. For example I have included a ticket from the time we went to see the Wanted in concert ad a ticket from when we went to Harry Potter studios last year. I got all kinds of little craft stuff from the range in order to help me make her scrapbook such as stamps, ribbon, buttons and other craft stuff.

 I have also made some of my own jewelry this year including earrings and pendants. I was able to turn some of our family pictures into pendant necklaces to give to both of my Nan's this year and they have turned out pretty well. 

Start of a Story

It was a cold and stormy Halloween night, the rain was beating down heavily in large waves of droplets and the thunder crashing loudly echoing around the thick dark forest making the sound all the more louder. Far in the distance you could hear the howling of wolves, a mournful sound, crying to the moon and the hoot of an owl hidden in a nearby tree only adding all the more to the already terrifying sounds of the storm. The occasional sparks on lightning illuminated the forest lighting up the twisted and gnarly faces of the old trees giving the impression of people looking out of them directly at you. From here I could see it all, stood at the old cracked and dusty window, I could observe the whole thing protected from the raging storm outside. Protected but not yet safe. Stood here in the dilapidated old house that stood alone surrounded on both sides by trees isolated from the rest of society. A house that I managed to find and take shelter in when this storm first began. Bare and barren the house stood damaged and worn, crumbling with broken windows and a roof which had several slates missing from it. A rough wooden door with its black paint all chipped and faded, which jammed as you tried to open it, and an old and rusty bronze door handle that was stiff with age. The inside was no better than the outside with bare wooden floors where the floorboards creak with every step you took and the furniture was all moth eaten and torn. The lights here didn’t work so I managed to make do by finding some old candles in one of the kitchen draws, lighting them I had placed them around the room. They provided little light in this large house seeing as there were only four of them. The light didn’t quite manage to reach the corners of the room, the patches of dark protecting whatever was hidden there.