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Monday 27 July 2015

Little Mix Radio 1 Live Lounge Mash up

Love this Little Mix Radio 1 live lounge Mash up Holy Grail/Counting Stars it's so good. Love how well they harmonize together and the songs go together seamlessly.
Just thought I would share this with you

Sunday 26 July 2015

Go check out Danielle Peazer's blog Idle Lane

I follow Danielle Peazer's blog Idle Lane and I love it, it provides great inspiration and was actually one of the reasons I considered creating my own blog (amongst others). Danielle Peazer is a Dancer who was originally a dancer for X Factor (the UK version). She has since started a blog on all things fashion and beauty which includes ideas for outfits and fashion inspiration including links to different store/shops where certain items have come from or to similar items to the ones she includes in her posts. She also includes beauty tips, posts of events she is involved in (including competitions) had has her own shopping page on Depop (an app) where she sells some of her old clothes. She updates quite regularly so there is always something new. She has lots of photos of events, items and shoots that she participates in as well as videos. She is also on twitter and instagram so you can follow her on there. She also has videos on YouTube that you can go an check out.
I have posted the link on this post but will also put the link on my blog page so you can go and check her blog out at any time.


 Go check out Idle Lane

Insomnia sufferers Listen up!!!!

Insomnia is just one of those things everybody suffers from at one point or another in your life. Insomnia is when you have difficulty getting to or staying asleep so ecveryone should have some experience with this. A lot of the time it is usually brought on by or linked to stress. It's that time during the night in which your brain just won't switch off at all and no matter how hard you try you just can't fall asleep or in some cases you might just get to sleep when you wake straight back up again. 
Well in one of those people that always gets insomnia when I get really stressed for example I can never sleep for a while before exams or if there is something that I am absolutely dreading. However I have found some things that help me at times such as these. If I know I'm not going to be able to sleep I try various different things.

List of things to try when your suffering from insomnia:
  • About an hour it two before I go upstairs to be I will do some kind of excercise so that my body is tired and even if my brain isn't I might still get to sleep. For me the excercise was always doing just dance on the Wii with my mum.
  • You could try a warm bath with bubbles or scented candles to help your muscles relax.
  • Have a warm drink. I will usually take this upstairs with me to drink whilst listening to music. Make sure it's not a caffeinated drink as that will only keep you up. I prefer fruit teas such as Berry or Apple tea which are really nice. However you could try warm milk like my brother used to have when he was little (He used to call it Milk Ping because of the noise the microwave made when it was finished)
  • Read a book for about an hour in bed (try not to use any electrics as it will only keep you awake. If you are really struggling to sleep during the night find the most boring book you can because that might put you to sleep simply because you can't understand it. For example when you are trying to read a boring book for revision bit just can't concentrate or keep focused on the book. This should work the same at night and surely send you to sleep.
  • Put on some calming music none of this heavy metal or rock n roll because that's rather loud.
  • If none of that works lay back and try to count backwards or forwards in your times tables if you do this for a whole you'll soon be able to recite them like a pro if you couldn't before and even if you can a little practice never hurt anyone. You could even try counting in French or Spanish or something.
  • My mum got me a relaxation CD which works on teaching you how to relax your body and mind and surprisingly it works amazingly. Even if it doesn't help you to relax it does a good job of putting you to sleep just because to the readers tone of voice.
  • You could also try listening to audiobooks because that doesn't involve any work on your part so because your brain isn't being stimulated by activity it should be easier to fall asleep.

  •  Try to avoid thinking about whatever it is that is making to stressed or anxious
  • Don't clock watch because this will make it worse because you will then become anxious about how many hours of sleep you will be getting from then until the time you have to wake up.
  • Don't start making a list of all the things you have to do the next day this will just keep you awake.
  • If still in school don't think about how much homework you have left to do save that for the next day when you have loads of time to properly think without panicking because you are picturing a worst case scenario which will keep you up all night.
  •  Don't play and computer games or watch T.V because this stimulates the brain which is certain to keep you up. (even if it is the season finale to Game of Thrones you can catch up on that the next day rest is more important)

Hope this helps or gives you some ideas

Ed Sheeran and Passenger Mash up You Won't believe how good this is!!

For you +EdSheeranfans out there (Like me) and also passenger fans though I would share this video with you which I found on YouTube a year or so a go and fell in love with. Ed Sheeran and Passenger do a mash up of two major songs Thrift shop and No Diggity. It's an acoustic version and I have to say they go so well together. Lets keep in mind that I'm a huge Ed Sheeran fan anyway so I love most of the songs he does but this one is slightly different. I have to say I adore it. I showed my friend when we were on our way to Brighton to see The Wanted (Sad Face last tour) and The Vamps  (Who doesn't love the vamps now currently on a tour all of their own) as well as Elyar Fox and she loved it too. Before that she had never seen or heard this but now its actually top on one of her playlists (your welcome).
So here it is just for you
Ed Sheeran and Passenger

Saturday 25 July 2015

Omg Thank you Guys this is great so Far

Graph of most popular countries among blog viewers
United States 423

United Kingdom 418

Ireland  48

Belgium 3

Canada 3

Germany 3

Brazil 1

Greece 1

Netherlands 1

Romania 1

Wow guys thank you for viewing my blog
Hi to all those 423 people in the united states who have viewed so far
Come on UK you need to catch up But thank you to those who have viewed
Hello to those of you in Ireland ( Love an Irish accent)
Hello to you three in Belgium and Canada
HI Germany!! one of my best friends is from Germany she tried to teach me some German I just couldn't get the hang of it but I try.
Hello to Brazil Whoop and the Netherlands
Hiya Romania  and Greece

Thank you Guys soo much I really appreciate it.
Keep Viewing

P.S You Guys are brilliant!! remember that

Amazing,quick, easy recipes!!

I follow  1minutemeals on instagram they have some great recipes on there and they share other great recipes that other people have made. They are delicious, interesting and quick to make snacks, meals and dessert from example one of the recipes they have is for Strawberry Cheesecake Chimichangas! and Strawberry Nutella French Toast Roll Ups!. It's great for ideas for new things to make when I am bored and want to do some baking there are lots of creative recipes to try things which I wouldn't normally think of. Some of these recipes include healthy snacks which are easy to make, tasty and healthy. I suggest you check it out and give them a follow or at least check out some of the recipes that are on there.

Marvels Ant Man

Have you all been to see Ant Man yet. I have!! I went and saw it last night with my younger brother (I know a bit sad really) it wasn't quite what I expected to be honest with you. I saw the trailer and wasn't really that impressed but I had (and read on Facebook) some rave reviews from my friends about how good the film was. So I thought hey why not. My brother agreed so we went. I have to say it was much better than I had anticipated. When I heard they were doing a film about a superhero named Ant Man I wasn't really that interested I just thought what kind of superhero is named Ant Man not really the most inspirational superhero name I have to say. However it wasn't actually that bad it had some funny moments with some kind of funny lines, a fair bit of action. The fight scenes were actually kind of funny at points the director was quite clever in reminding you that the superhero was in fact Ant Man and therefore actually quite small. They did this by having Ant man and his equally tiny enemy fighting on a child's toy railway in which they cut between the centre of the action in which you see the fight as though you are a tiny ant sized spectator. It then cuts to the superheroes daughter watching the fight as a regular sized human being and you realise just how ridiculous the fight actually looks from her point of view. Not exactly scary with tiny little people running around throwing toys at eachother however I suppose if your really that tiny it could come across as quite terrifying. There is also a cameo from Thomas the tank engine (for those of you who have seen it you will get what I mean, for those of you that haven't it's just another reason to go an see it). There is also a scene right at the very end, and I mean right at the very end after all the credits and everything, which links to and hints about the upcoming Captain America 3 Civil War (which I am soo looking forward to). So after all that all I have to say is that I went in with some low expectations of the movie and came out loving it and recommending it to others. (Obviously not everyone will agree  ) 

So yeah go and see Ant Man 


Thursday 23 July 2015

Unusual pets~ Dobby the house dog

It is strange how much my dog reminds me of Dobby from Harry Potter. I think it has something to do with her ears. It help that she is currently sat there staring at me with her big brown eyes and a sock hanging out of her mouth. Just so happens that her favourite chew toy happens to be an old pair of my brothers football socks.

Anyone else got an unusual pet? My dog seems to be everything but a dog she does an amazing impression of a meerkat, a statue and a seal but not a very good dog.


Question time!!! for all you readers out there here's some questions for you X

 I want to know what you guys want to see here on my Blog. I want to know what your interested in reading about? What you want to talk about? 

 What kind of things interest you that you want to see on here?

For example

lets start with one question for you all. 

If your life was a movie who would you have playing you and why? 

So my answer to this question is I would probably want to have Emma Watson playing me because I just absolutely love her as an actress, she puts everything into every role she plays and you can clearly see it in absolutely every one of her movies. I also think she is quite inspiring in her role as a UN ambassador in which she stands up and talks about equality and feminisim. I think she's done quite well for herself in that although she is an amazing and popular actress she has kept very grounded and succeeded in her education and completing university all whilst filming several movies. I think what she has achieved is something to aspire to because she has shown how far dedication and commitment can get you which is something I sometimes need to be reminded of when I find things difficult to do. So that's why I would want her to play me in a movie of my life. 
 However I think if there was ever a movie made about my life I would think it would be very boring and no where near as interesting as films such as The Bounty Hunter (Jennifer Anniston, Gerrard Butler) or Harry Potter. 



New Experiences and Changes~ Basically just talking about a whole new wardrobe

Last year I started something completely new. I started a new course at college. So way, way, way back in September when I started I got a bit fed up. I had this whole well new thing, new people, new experience and yet I still feel well rubbish really. I thought well new people who don't know me very well there is no judgement I can be whoever I want to be. They don't know me as the shy, quiet girl that a lot of people used to see me as. So why not surprise them a bit and try something a bit different and see what I come up with.

So about a week into this new course I suddenly decided that seeing as I had changed a lot of things already why not just try something different in terms of style. So one weekend I threw out a majority of my old wardrobe and replaced it with a completely new one. New style that I hadn't really tried out before and found it really suited me so I felt much more confident. That's same weekend I went out and had my hair cut. It went from partway down my back to being just under my shoulder, (  quite short) I had a fair bit cut off. I also had blonde highlights put in. I also got the top of my ear pierced (cartilage) something that I had been considering for a while but never had the guts to do ( Not suggesting you actually do any of this by the way).

After that I went back into college and a lot of people where surprised about my hair being short and blonde. A lot of people said that they liked it.

I was and am really happy about the result. I feel much happier as a person because it wasn't that I had changed myself because I hadn't really. I just cared less about what others thought. I accepted who I was so decided to do things my way. Which was what getting my haircut and a new wardrobe was all about. It was more about accepting than change. There are still things about myself that I obviously want to change or I wish were different, but at the end of the day I am working on building my confidence and Self esteem and trying new things whilst remaining myself.

 You tend to find that once you have left secondary school and you are no longer surrounded by the same group of people that you had been for five years, the ones who new you at the very start of the secondary. It becomes a lot easier to just be yourself because the new people you meet haven't judged you yet so you can be who you want to be. Unlike in secondary school in which it is more difficult because although you change the judgements whilst not always bad tend to find a way of sticking because they have already been set. You are often seen to be the same as you were back in year 7 when you started. For example I'm small and quite and shy particularly to new people I meet so for a lot of people who weren't really my best friends they only ever saw me as being quiet and not talking.

P.s Sorry it's so long just though I would share as My younger sister is having a similar tough time at the minute and it gave me an idea.

I've still kept my hair shoulder length and Blonde and I'm still loving it.

Goals, Hopes and Achievemants~

Does Anyone have a list of places that they want to visit or things that they want to do in their lifetime? I do

I created a List of goals of things that I would like to try and things that I would like to achieve

Here are just a few of my goals on My list that I spoke about in my very first post when I started this blog just a few weeks ago . I thought I would revisit it.

I would like to visit a various number of different places. I personally quiet enjoy old buildings and learning about the history of different places.

I would like to travel and see different palaces in the world and learn new things. One particular place that I would like to go to is Australia. That's one place I have always wanted to go. I also want to go to America and this year I am going on holiday to Greece with a friend of mine which I am really looking forward to.
Learn a language I think it would be really fun to learn a language and hopefully become fluent in a language.
Learn to play an instrument- I would love to learn to play an instrument  admire people who are able to play and play well I think it's a great skill to have.
One day I would like to plan a charity event and raise even more money and awareness for charities such as MS and Dementia.
I would like to try to write a story.
Be more active and healthy.

These are only a few of my goals as my actual list is much longer, far too long to post.

Over the years I have become a lot more confident in myself I used to be the shy, quiet type in the classroom and in some cases I still am but in the past few years I have become more outgoing and individual. I think in part this is due to me doing more and trying out different things not just staying within my comfort zone. This year so far I have learnt a lot and continue to do so.
By creating myself and setting myself goals to reach it really helping me to try things outside of my normal routine but also out of my comfort zone. Its great to be able to tick something off and say Yes I have tried that, I have given it ago. It's a real confidence booster.  Give it a try.


Wednesday 22 July 2015

Hilarious F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Bloopers Xx

SO I Was inspired by a video on facebook of some of the friends bloopers and thought that you guys would appreciate seeing some yourself. Just when we thought F.R.I.E.N.D.S couldn't get any funnier you find the bloopers and find out that actually it really, really does. Behind the scenes mistakes and laughs put together could actually make a whole new episode of friends. SO Funny!!! It's great to see the cast of F.R.I.E.N.D.S messing around and laughing together. Absolutely love Phoebe's (Lisa Kudrow's) Laugh it's infectious. These bloopers show you just how similar each of the actors are to their character and the relationship between them. Mathew Perry is so much like Chandler apparently liked to play jokes on set. 
The jokes are funnier when they go wrong!!

(I don't own friends or these videos all rights go the correct people, I'm just sharing them for your amusement)

Cupcakes~ Making and Decorating~

So this weekend I made chocolate cupcakes and decorated them. Here's the result.

Avengers cupcakes with images of the different Avengers, we have Black Widow, Nick fury, Thor, Iron man, Captain America, Hulk and Hawkeye.
My favourites are Black widow And Captain America. However I must add that I do love Iron Man particularly in the movies he probably has some of the best lines, sarcastic and witty love it especially since Tony Stark in played by Robert Downey Jr in the films. I think that Robert Downey Jr is a great actor loved him as Sherlock Holmes.

For others I had white sugar roses which I covered in gold edible food spray which look amazing. I also made cupcakes with gold vanilla icing (which is essentially vanilla icing with the gold edible food spray on top) and Pink edible glitter sparkles.
I personally don't think they came out too badly. I'm actually quite proud of them to be honest. Going to make some more soon only this time with Frozen on top. The Avengers and Frozen cupcake tops are edible paper wafers.

Belle Pheonix

Sunday 12 July 2015

Blank Space // Style (Taylor Swift Mash-Up) - Louisa Wendorff

Amazing cover by Louisa Wendorff a mash up of Taylor Swift's Blank Space and Style. She is soo talented she has so many amazing covers and mashups on her YouTube channel so go take a look. Loving her acoustic Mashups at the minute.Xx

"PITCH PERFECTION" - 50+ Songs Mashup by Megamix Central

Absolutely Love this Mash up sooo many good songs in there and put together so well. Brilliant loving it. Xx

Thursday 9 July 2015

Mike Tompkins and Pitch Perfect cast Sing Nicki Minaj's Starships Acapella Syle

 And Again only this on is with the cast of Pitch perfect along with some fan videos its AMAZING!!!


Acapella Mashup or Taylor Swift's Shake it off and Bastille's Pompeii ~ By MIKE TOMPKINS

Love this acapella mash up by Mike Tompkins. Amazing!!! how talented is that can't believe he does the whole thing himself it's freaking fantastic. Want to see him do one with an Ed Sheeran Song now.

Shake it off/ pompeii

Wait WHAT! Daniel Radcliffe can Rap - On Jimmy Fallon

How have I not seen this before now I honestly don't know. Daniel Radcliffe can rap, he can RAP!
To be fair to him he does it well.  I honestly don't know how he didn't mess up it's such a tongue twister I would of gone wrong before I even finished the first sentence. It's actually very entertaining and he is really really very good. He rapped  Blackalicious' Alphabet Aerobics which is really quite the tongue twister and very fast. I'm not really sure how this passed me by to be honest with you I'm surprised I hadn't seen it before I only found it this morning on YouTube. I'm so behind the times clearly but I have to say this I'm glad I saw this video it really made my day. And for those of you who, like me, haven't seen the video of Daniel Radcliffe rapping on Jimmy Fallon ,because you know we clearly live under rocks, Here it is.



Wednesday 8 July 2015

~First Concert~

Does anyone remember the first concert they ever went to? For me it was Mcfly way way way back in like 2007 with my mum and my younger brother and is an experience I haven't forgotten since. I went to see them again at the very same place in 2012. I remember how exited I was at being able to go and see a band that I really liked at a place so close to home because there aren't many bands who perform anywhere near were I live. So if I want to go and see someone live I usually have to travel a fair way, as i'm sure most of us do. They say that your first concert is the one you remember most and I have to say I agree because I remember a fair bit about the experience for example the fact that I bought a little torch which when you turned it on would show the word Mcfly on the wall. I remember being sat on the third row back on the middle balcony and being able to see everything even though I was so tiny that when I sat down my first thought was that I wasn't going to be able to see over the people in front of me. 
I remember more details about my first concert than I ever expected to.

I have to say that it was just as good the second time I went to see them. The support bands were really good as well greeting people outside after the concert. 
All in all I think that Mcfly is a good band to go and see live as I enjoyed watching them both times that I went.


Paris #Throwback to Holiday Photography

 WOW I miss this. 
Disneyland Paris

I went on a family Holiday to Disneyland Paris back in 2011 and genuinely had a really good time. I got to spend a lot more quality time with my family that week than I had in a while as I was part way through my GCSE's at the time. We had a great time everyone was really friendly and helpful from the hotel staff at the hotel we stayed at ,which was just a little bit further away from Disneyland, and also at the parks as well. Out of the five days we were there we spent four days at the Disney parks each morning we would have to catch a shuttle bus from the hotel to the parks. All the characters their were really lovely especially with my younger sister who had only about 6 at the time and she absolutely loved it meeting all the characters and getting to go on all the rides. I think the great thing about Disneyland is that its suitable for everyone and there's always something going on. There was was the Disney parade, various different shows and activities that go on all around the parks which the children can get involved in. They also have lots of different themed restaurants which are great fun to go to. The rides were great fun as well although the ques for them were quiet long unless you brought a fast track past. I took hundreds of photos whilst I was there and videos as well.

We also spent a day in Paris visiting the Eiffel Tower and going on a tour bus around the centre of Paris. The tour was quite interesting because you found out a lot of this history of Paris. 
 Great family holiday
I love Paris and Disneyland and would Love to visit again someday


Monday 6 July 2015

F.R.I.E.N.D.S.~ 'The one with the football'

Absolutely love FRIENDS I'm actually quite sad that its finished however thankfully they always play it on comedy central. I think that my favourite episode of friends has to be the 'one with the football'. In which its thanksgiving and the group are together having a meal and they decide to play football in the park. In this episode Ross and Monica get really competitive doing whatever they can to beat each other. It ends up with a boy VS girls game in which the whole thing just ends up being really funny. This is my favourite episode because no matter how many times I watch it, it never fails to make me laugh. Just like most of them really.  My mum got me into friends because she absolutely loves it and although I like friends I have to say I'm not a huge Ross Geller fan although I do really like David Schwimmer. I just find that Ross can come across as being petty, spiteful, jealous and whiny especially with Rachel however he is still really funny as a character. My favourite characters have to be Joey and Rachel I think they just have some of the best lines although I also kind of love Phoebe as well for her quirkiness. 

(Clip from Youtube, rights go to all the proper people. I don't own friends or the clip)

Thank You!!


I just want to say thank you to the people who have read my blog so far. I hope to keep on posting if people continue to read and like it. I am interested to hear other peoples opinions and ideas of anything that they are interested in that they would like to see here on my blog and I will try to take them into consideration. I would like to make my blog a bit more interesting seeing as I have only recently started it so may need a few ideas to help me get started.

Thank you


Delicious Oreo ice cream

Thought I would give this a try when I saw it in the shop and I have to say it is absolutely delicious. It's vanilla ice cream with Oreo biscuit chunks in it. If you see it around I recommend you give it a try especially if you like Oreos. 

Sunday 5 July 2015

Amazingly Colourful lipstick~

Kind of in love with this lipstick at the moment I wear it all the time, I really like the bright colours especially the purple one. The best thing about this lipstick is that it's not too expensive to buy so you can try out different colours which even if you don't like it when you try it on or you find its a little to bright for you, you haven't spent a fortune. I found these when I went into Superdrug, I needed some red lipstick quickly for when I went out and I didn't have a lot of money on me at the time so I just wanted a cheap red lipstick that I could use it for that night not really expecting to use it that often. However after I tried once I found that I really liked it, it wasn't to bright for me and looked quite nice I found that when I wore it again the next day that it lasted all day without me really having to reapply it even though I had eaten and had stuff to drink. I was quite pleased with it as I expected it to be rubbish for the price I paid for it. So I went back and got two more in different colours. I got a purple on and nude one and even more recently I got a pale pink colour. They are actually from. The little mix range in COLLECTION which I wasn't actually aware of at the time I thought it until I went back again. There also some other colours which are part of COLLECTION which you may like. My absolute favourite is the purple coloured lipstick which I find is really nice because it's bright and slightly different than what I would usually go for but I just really love the colour. You should give it a try.



Saturday 4 July 2015

~Dream Matte Mousse Foundation~


I really like this Maybelline dream matte mousse because unlike some of the other foundations that I have tried previously ,which usually happen to be liquid foundations, this one doesn't feel like it's heavy on my face in fact you can barely even feel that it's on. Because it is a mousse foundation its nice and light so rather than clogging up your face it spreads nicely without feeling too thick. You don't need to use a lot of it as it spreads quite well providing a lot of coverage whilst lasting longer you don't have to use as much only small dabs which when using a foundation brush goes quiet far. This means that I don't have to buy it that often because it lasts longer. I never really used to like wearing make up that often because of how it felt on my face. With some of the liquid foundations that I tried they felt quiet thick which made me feel really uncomfortable where as with this foundation I don't have that same problem. I feel really comfortable wearing it knowing that it's isn't going to easily wipe of through out the day. I don't have to continuously reapply it throughout the day like I had previously had to as it lasts much longer than some others that I have used. However one thing that I read in the reviews was that some people found that it made your skin quite dry. I have never found that to be a problem. Although I tend to have a routine for keeping my skin nice and soft. I always make sure to wipe my make up off before I go to bed as well as washing my face using clean and clear and then I use moisturiser to keep my face from going dry. My mum buys me a lot of products from temple spa which I really like to use. They have a lot of products available which I may talk about a little later on in my blog if people are interested.


Friday 3 July 2015

Harry Potter studios and Madame Tussauds

Back in April For my Birthday I spent the weekend in London with my friend. Whilst there we visited Madame Tussauds and Harry Potter Studios. If you haven't been to either of these places it is well worth going me and my friend both had a brilliant time.

At Mdame Tussauds they currently have an area dedicated to superhero waxworks as well as a 4D cinema which is pretty cool because you can feel the water splashing on you face or a gush of wind ,which actually made me jump. The waxworks are all really lifelike. The only thing that disappointed me was that there wasn't an Ed Sheeran waxwork, since then however they have made and included one which is currently in the Madame Tussauds in America which I hope to see when it comes to Madame Tussauds here.

There is so much going on at the Harry Potter studios it's crazy the amount of detail that went into every little aspect of all the movies is genuinely amazing. There is so much to see when you are there it's fantastic. My friend and I had a go at flying a broomstick, tried butterbeer, got to go on the Hogwarts express and took 1000's of photos. It was a great day. It shows you how a lot of the props on set worked for example Mrs Weasley's knitting Needles. You can also get a digital guide which gives you a lot of background information and clips about both the props, the set and the scene. You can see all the different costumes that the characters wore as well as seeing things such as the goblet of fire and Diagon Alley.  There is also a lot available in the gift shop for example they have all the different kinds of magical sweets that are seen in the films such as the chocolate frogs as well as having collectable wands, jewellery and other items if that is the kind of thing that you might find interesting. There is something for everyone to see and do there it's not just for children but adults as well. As I sent my mum and Dad there for a visit previously and my grandparents are also hoping to go as well. One thing I would say however is that if you did decide to go I would make sure to get an early tour as you may spend a long time there. My friend and I were there for 6 hours trying everything out.

Here are some photos from the Trip. Enjoy. 
 (Pictures taken by My friend and Myself)

OMG check out this Comfy Jumper at H&M

 Can not tell you how much I Love!!! this jumper it has to be one of the most comfortable jumpers I own. It's really soft and is made out of quite light material so it is easy to move around in suitable for any time of year really depending on what you wear underneath. And obviously it's black and black can pretty much go with anything so it's easy to pair with anything from jeans to shorts really.  The material it's made from is great as it's really soft so it's not itchy. It has the kind of lace inspired pattern at the bottom which I really love.  I wear it pretty much all the time now its that comfy. I got this jumper from H&M and it's decently priced as well.

I open at the close~ Harry Potter Quote~ The Golden Snitch

Picture and edits done by Me xx

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Oreo, Brownie and Cookie Dough Heaven~~~~BROWNIES!!

The other week I was baking and I couldn't decide what to make we decided that I wanted to try and  make something different to what I would usually make.  Something a bit more interesting than regular old brownies. I found this amazing recipe on the internet which made brownies that had a layer of cookie dough at the bottom, a layer of Oreos in the middle and finally brownie on top. Delicious so nice that I have made it again several times since. I recommend giving it a try it is easy enough to find the recipe online and just as easy to make and they taste amazing.