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Saturday 25 July 2015

Marvels Ant Man

Have you all been to see Ant Man yet. I have!! I went and saw it last night with my younger brother (I know a bit sad really) it wasn't quite what I expected to be honest with you. I saw the trailer and wasn't really that impressed but I had (and read on Facebook) some rave reviews from my friends about how good the film was. So I thought hey why not. My brother agreed so we went. I have to say it was much better than I had anticipated. When I heard they were doing a film about a superhero named Ant Man I wasn't really that interested I just thought what kind of superhero is named Ant Man not really the most inspirational superhero name I have to say. However it wasn't actually that bad it had some funny moments with some kind of funny lines, a fair bit of action. The fight scenes were actually kind of funny at points the director was quite clever in reminding you that the superhero was in fact Ant Man and therefore actually quite small. They did this by having Ant man and his equally tiny enemy fighting on a child's toy railway in which they cut between the centre of the action in which you see the fight as though you are a tiny ant sized spectator. It then cuts to the superheroes daughter watching the fight as a regular sized human being and you realise just how ridiculous the fight actually looks from her point of view. Not exactly scary with tiny little people running around throwing toys at eachother however I suppose if your really that tiny it could come across as quite terrifying. There is also a cameo from Thomas the tank engine (for those of you who have seen it you will get what I mean, for those of you that haven't it's just another reason to go an see it). There is also a scene right at the very end, and I mean right at the very end after all the credits and everything, which links to and hints about the upcoming Captain America 3 Civil War (which I am soo looking forward to). So after all that all I have to say is that I went in with some low expectations of the movie and came out loving it and recommending it to others. (Obviously not everyone will agree  ) 

So yeah go and see Ant Man 


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