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Friday 3 July 2015

Harry Potter studios and Madame Tussauds

Back in April For my Birthday I spent the weekend in London with my friend. Whilst there we visited Madame Tussauds and Harry Potter Studios. If you haven't been to either of these places it is well worth going me and my friend both had a brilliant time.

At Mdame Tussauds they currently have an area dedicated to superhero waxworks as well as a 4D cinema which is pretty cool because you can feel the water splashing on you face or a gush of wind ,which actually made me jump. The waxworks are all really lifelike. The only thing that disappointed me was that there wasn't an Ed Sheeran waxwork, since then however they have made and included one which is currently in the Madame Tussauds in America which I hope to see when it comes to Madame Tussauds here.

There is so much going on at the Harry Potter studios it's crazy the amount of detail that went into every little aspect of all the movies is genuinely amazing. There is so much to see when you are there it's fantastic. My friend and I had a go at flying a broomstick, tried butterbeer, got to go on the Hogwarts express and took 1000's of photos. It was a great day. It shows you how a lot of the props on set worked for example Mrs Weasley's knitting Needles. You can also get a digital guide which gives you a lot of background information and clips about both the props, the set and the scene. You can see all the different costumes that the characters wore as well as seeing things such as the goblet of fire and Diagon Alley.  There is also a lot available in the gift shop for example they have all the different kinds of magical sweets that are seen in the films such as the chocolate frogs as well as having collectable wands, jewellery and other items if that is the kind of thing that you might find interesting. There is something for everyone to see and do there it's not just for children but adults as well. As I sent my mum and Dad there for a visit previously and my grandparents are also hoping to go as well. One thing I would say however is that if you did decide to go I would make sure to get an early tour as you may spend a long time there. My friend and I were there for 6 hours trying everything out.

Here are some photos from the Trip. Enjoy. 
 (Pictures taken by My friend and Myself)

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